C .A.M. Research
Links to book and articles by Richard Eaton
Link to Richard Eaton’s blog for The College of Medicine
Links to Positive Health Online and also to The Alliance for Natural Health International
Progress of the Medical Innovation Bill
CAM organisations accredited by The Professional Standards Authority
Business Mentoring Services for CAM Practice Management (Richard Eaton)
CAM Research: Cancer & Palliative Care
CAM Research: Homeopathy
CAM Research: General
CAM Practitioner Organisations
BUSINESS GUIDE FOR HEALTH THERAPISTS: how to find what you need to know
available at Amazon or from digital stores here
ARTICLES BY RICHARD EATON published by Positive Health Online
Practitioners must state the case for complementary and alternative medicine
including CAM research with a focus on REIKI
also available in print, with a focus on HOMEOPATHY, in Homeopathy in Practice Journal (Autumn 2011)
Complementary Medicine – Prepare for the Future
Complementary Medicine and the Voluntary SectorIs choice of Healthcare a Human right?
a print version of this article is also available in Homeopathy in Practice Journal (Spring/Summer 2014) and in the Journal of The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX)
5. Your CAM Practice and the Advertising Standards Authority – Time to take action
a print version of this article is also available in Homeopathy in Practice Journal (Winter/Spring 2016) and in The Journal of The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX) (Parts 1 & 2 – July & August 2016);
6. Advertising Complementary Medicine – Where Next with Regulation Reform? (November 2017);
ARTICLES BY RICHARD EATON published by Homeopathy in Practice Journal (Alliance of Registered Homeopaths)
See above references to earlier articles;
Message to Homeopaths: Business Matters (Spring/Summer 2017)
ARTICLE BY RICHARD EATON published by The Homeopath (the journal of The Society of Homeopaths):
Adopt a business-like approach to be successful (Spring 2017)
ARTICLE BY RICHARD EATON published by Homeopathy International (the journal of the Homeopathic Medical Association):
Practitioners must state the case for cost-effective Complementary and Alternative Medicine within the public health sector (Summer 2017)
THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE: Richard Eaton’s quarterly blog
REGISTER WITH Positive Health Online UK to receive free Newsletters relating to Complementary and Alternative Medicine and for the Positive Health Research Archive
REGISTER WITH www.anhinternational.org to receive information and Newsletters from The Alliance for Natural Health International
FOLLOW the Medical Innovation Bill: http://medicalinnovationbill.co.uk/ & http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2014-15/medicalinnovation.html
CAM ORGANISATIONS ACCREDITED by the Professional Standards Authority: http://www.professionalstandards.org.uk/accredited-registers/find-a-register
BUSINESS MENTORING SERVICES RELATING TO CAM PRACTICE MANAGEMENT please click on MENTORING in the banner at the top of this page and also inspect: http://eaton796.wix.com/owning-a-business
and Richard’s book available at https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01LWTZSLA or from digital stores at www.books2read.com/BG4HT
‘…The provision of complementary therapies is demanded by patients hence the services provided. Approximately 40% of breast and prostate patients use complementary therapies and 20% of patients with other cancers. The evidence and audits are very patient-centred and almost always supportive of the service and what it has to offer.
Complementary therapies are provided for patients, service users, carers and family members in almost every cancer and palliative care service in the country. Some of the most renowned cancer and palliative centres such as the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust, St George’s University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, the Christie NHS Foundation Trust and a wide range of hospices and Macmillan cancer centres provide complementary therapies as an integral part of their supportive and palliative care services…’
Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council: February 2016
www.positivehealth.com/article/toxic chemo
Resveratrol research paper:
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ and see also:
Cancer care options:
Macmillan Cancer Support:
or a CD audio-book:
for information by Cancer type:
Cancer Research UK individual CAM therapies:
Cancer Research UK-research into Reiki for people with cancer:
Herbs,botanicals & other products,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center:
PubMed articles & clinical trials:
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust:
http://www.christie.nhs.uk/ (“Services: Complementary Therapy”)
The Royal Marsden:
Marie Curie Cancer Care:
Macmillan Cancer Support:
www.macmillan.org.uk and see above
Penny Brohn UK:
My Cancer treatment (NHS):
RESEARCH studies carried out in cancer, supportive and palliative care settings, extracted from a submission by The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC):
Recent research / audit / case studies from the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust:
Dyer J, Cleary L, McNeill S, Ragsdale-Lowe M, Osland C. 2016 The use of aromasticks to help with sleep problems: A patient experience survey. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 22:51-8
Dyer J, Cleary L, Ragsdale-Lowe M, McNeill S, Osland C. 2014 The use of aromasticks at a cancer centre: A retrospective audit. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 20(4): 203-6
Dyer J, Sandsund C, Thomas K, Shaw C 2013 Is reflexology as effective as aromatherapy massage for symptom relief in an outpatient oncology population? Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 19(3): 139-46
Dyer J, McNeill S, Ragsdale-Lowe M, Cleary L, Cardoso M, Cooper S 2010 The use of aromasticks for nausea in a cancer hospital. International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy 7(2): 3-6
Ragsdale-Lowe, M. 2009. Supporting a young girl through radiotherapy, following resection of a brain tumour: Case study. International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy 6(1): 23-5
Dyer J, Ashley S, Shaw C 2008, A study to look at the effects of a hydrolat spray on hot flushes in women being treated for breast cancer. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 14:273–79
Dyer J, McNeill S, Ragsdale-Lowe M, Tratt L 2008 A snap-shot survey of current practice: the use of aromasticks for symptom management. International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy 5(2): 17-21
McNeill, S. 2007 Essential oils and massage used to support a patient with a compromised airway: a case study. International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy 4(1): 40-2
Further references for relevant research studies below:
Cassileth, B. R. and A. J. Vickers (2004): “Massage therapy for symptom control: outcome study at a major cancer center.” Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 28(3): 244-9.
Ernst, E 2009 Massage therapy for cancer palliation and supportive care: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials. Supportive Care in Cancer 17(4): 333- 7.
Lee, S.H, J.-Y. Kim, et al. (2015). “Meta-Analysis of Massage Therapy on Cancer Pain.” Integrative Cancer Therapies 14(4): 297.
Mackereth P Hackman E Knowles R Mehrez A (2015), The value of stress relieving techniques. Cancer Nursing Practice. 14(4): 14-21.
Mackereth P Campbell G Maycock P Hennings J Breckons M (2008) Chair massage for patients and carers: a pilot service in an outpatient setting of a cancer care hospital. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 14: 136-142.
Samuel, A. and Ebenezer, I. (2013) ‘Exploratory study on the efficacy of reflexology for pain threshold and tolerance using an ice-pain experiment and sham TENS control’, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 19, pp. 57-62.
Seers, H.E., Gale, N., Paterson, C., Cooke, H.J. Tuffrey, V., Polley, M.J. Individualised and complex experiences of integrative cancer support care: combining qualitative and quantitative data. Supportive Care in Cancer 2009; 17(9): 1159-1167. (In collaboration with Penny Brohn Cancer Care).
Sharp, D. Walker, M. Chaturvedi, D. Upadhyay, S. Hamid, A. Walker, A. Bateman, J. Braid, F. Ellwood, K. et al (2010) ‘A randomised, controlled trial of the psychological effects of reflexology in early breast cancer’, European Journal of Cancer, 46, pp. 312-322.
So PS, Jiang JY, Qin Y. Touch therapies for pain relief in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 4. Art. No: CD006535. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006535.pub2.
Stringer J Donald G Knowles R Warn P (2014) The Symptom Management of Fumigating Malignant Wounds Using a Novel Essential Oil Cream. Wounds UK 10(3): 30-38.
Stringer J Donald G (2011) Aromasticks in Cancer Care: An innovation not to be Sniffed at: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 116-21
Stringer J, Swindell R, Dennis M 2008 Massage in patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy reduces serum cortisol and prolactin. Psycho-Oncology 17(10): 1024- 31.
Tsay, S. Chen, H. Chen, S. Lin, H. and Lin, K. (2008) ‘Effects of reflexotherapy on acute postoperative pain and anxiety among patients with digestive cancer’, Cancer Nursing, 31, pp. 109–115.
Wilkinson SM, Love SB, Westcombe AM, Gambles MA, Burgess CC, Cargill A, Young T, Maher EJ, Ramirez AJ. 2007 Effectiveness of aromatherapy massage in the management of anxiety and depression in patients with cancer: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol 25:532-539
Wyatt, G. Sikorski, A. Rahbar, M. Victorson, D. and You, M (2012) ‘Health-related quality-of-life outcomes: A reflexology trial with patients with advanced-stage breast cancer’, Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(6), pp. 568–577.
Faculty of Homeopathy:
Switzerland – public health sector and Homeopathy:
Homeopathy Research Institute:
Homeopathy Research Institute clinical outcome research database:
The Society of Homeopaths:
The Homeopathic Medical Association:
The European Committee for Homeopathy:
International Council for Homeopathy:
CAM-quest database (click on the ‘Therapies’ quick-search box and select ‘Homeopathy’): www.cam-quest.org
European Central Council of Homeopaths:
British Homeopathic Association:
The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths:
VetCR database (Veterinary Homeopathy):
Use of Homeopathy in Veterinary Medicine:
British Homeopathic Dental Association:
A model for homeopathic remedy effects: low dose nanoparticles, allostatic cross-adaptation, and time-dependent sensitization in a complex adaptive system:
Non-linear effects of nanoparticles: Biological variability from hormetic doses, small particle sizes and dynamic adaptive interactions:
Effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of homeopathy in general practice – summarized health technology assessment:
Cancer control through pathology-based homeopathic medicine:
Establishing a scientific foundation in homeopathy (Constitutional prescribing):
NHS Choices:
Find a Homeopath:
Film: http://www.justonedropfilm.com/
Further Research: https://www.evidence.nhs.uk (insert “Homeopathy” in the search box).
CAM-quest database:
and see: www.cam-quest.org
Cancer Research UK:
and www.cancerresearchuk.org/complementary-alternative/
World Health Organisation:
“Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023”
CAMbrella a pan-european research network for CAM:
Switzerland – public health sector and CAM:
Norway’s National research Center in CAM:
CAM for Cancer:
The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine:
CAMLIS Library information service:
Pubmed: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
Cochrane Complementary Medicine:
The Research Council for Complementary Medicine:
www.bandolier.org.uk (Search: complementary medicine)
Positive Health Magazine:
The University of Southampton – Complementary and Integrated Medicine Research Unit
The College of Medicine:
The Role of CAM in the NHS (Smallwood Report): Refer to sub-link to a pdf in drop-down banner at top of this page.
NHS Evidence – complementary and alternative medicine:
NHS Conditions and Treatments:
International Society for Complementary Medicine Research:
Informed Health Online:
US National Library of Medicine:
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine:
Samueli Institute:
University of Westminster CAM Degree Courses:
EICCAM –The European Information Centre on Complementary and Alternative Medicine:
Cochrane Evidence and Library:
www.cochrane.org/evidence (Search: complementary medicine)
European Federation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine:
Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine – Education Courses for statutory registered healthcare professionals:
National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE):
British Medical Journal Clinical Evidence Review:
or Google search Clinical Evidence efficacy categorisations
British Medical Journal (BMJ):
Family Practice Oxford University Press Journals:
Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine:
For information about REIKI research, treatments and training, refer to: www.marioneaton.co.uk (click on Research page in the banner and drop down to Reiki Research)
and see also
Cancer Research UK-research into Reiki for people with cancer:
For details of Reiki Training Courses
CAM Reading List:
Complementary Therapies in Medicine Journal:
Traditional, Complementary & Integrative Medicine –
DISCERN Quality criteria for consumer health information:
British Wheel of Yoga:
Further Research: https://www.evidence.nhs.uk (insert name of therapy in the search box).
Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council:
The General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies:
British Complementary Medicine Association:
British Holistic Medical Association:
Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine:
Federation of Holistic Therapists:
Complementary Medical Association:
National Institute of Medical Herbalists:
British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy:
British Acupuncture Council:
British Medical Acupuncture Council:
British Association of Art Therapists:
Association of Reflexologists:
British Wheel of Yoga:
International Federation of Aromatherapists:
International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists:
General list with addresses:
Explore Integrative Medicine: Professional Associations and Organisations (USA, Europe, Australia, China & India): Use Google search.
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy:
This website provides information not medical advice. You should consult your medical practitioner if you have any symptoms of illness or concerns about treatment. Do not cease a prescribed conventional treatment without consulting your doctor. Tell all the practitioners you are working with, conventional or complementary, about any medicines, remedies, herbs or supplements you are taking or considering using.
No assurance, guarantee or promise with regard to the correctness, accuracy, up-to-date status or completeness of the information and websites for which no endorsement is given. Readers are strongly advised to discuss the information with their General Medical Practitioner, Medical Consultant and Healthcare Professional. No liability is accepted for any damage or loss caused to anyone who relies on the information and websites.
ARTICLES BY RICHARD EATON published by Positive Health Online
Practitioners must state the case for complementary and alternative medicine
including CAM research with a focus on REIKI
also available in print, with a focus on HOMEOPATHY, in Homeopathy in Practice Journal (Autumn 2011)
Complementary Medicine – Prepare for the Future
Complementary Medicine and the Voluntary SectorIs choice of Healthcare a Human right?
a print version of this article is also available in Homeopathy in Practice Journal (Spring/Summer 2014) and in the Journal of The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX)
5. Your CAM Practice and the Advertising Standards Authority – Time to take action
a print version of this article is also available in Homeopathy in Practice Journal (Winter/Spring 2016) and in The Journal of The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX) (Parts 1 & 2 – July & August 2016);
6. Advertising Complementary Medicine – Where Next with Regulation Reform? (November 2017);
ARTICLES BY RICHARD EATON published by Homeopathy in Practice Journal (Alliance of Registered Homeopaths)
See above references to earlier articles;
Message to Homeopaths: Business Matters (Spring/Summer 2017)
ARTICLE BY RICHARD EATON published by The Homeopath (the journal of The Society of Homeopaths):
Adopt a business-like approach to be successful (Spring 2017)
ARTICLE BY RICHARD EATON published by Homeopathy International (the journal of the Homeopathic Medical Association):
Practitioners must state the case for cost-effective Complementary and Alternative Medicine within the public health sector (Summer 2017)
THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE: Richard Eaton’s quarterly blog
REGISTER WITH Positive Health Online UK to receive free Newsletters relating to Complementary and Alternative Medicine and for the Positive Health Research Archive
REGISTER WITH www.anhinternational.org to receive information and Newsletters from The Alliance for Natural Health International
FOLLOW the Medical Innovation Bill: http://medicalinnovationbill.co.uk/ & http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2014-15/medicalinnovation.html
CAM ORGANISATIONS ACCREDITED by the Professional Standards Authority: http://www.professionalstandards.org.uk/accredited-registers/find-a-register
BUSINESS MENTORING SERVICES RELATING TO CAM PRACTICE MANAGEMENT please click on MENTORING in the banner at the top of this page and also inspect: http://eaton796.wix.com/owning-a-business
and Richard’s book available at https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01LWTZSLA or from digital stores at www.books2read.com/BG4HT